nedjelja, 25. studenoga 2012.

Make money online

Make money online

How to make money online without any investment. It's possible!
There are several additional modes of online earnings without a necessary investment.Only what you need is your time and patience!!
If you wish become rich overnight, this is not for you.

Make money online with pay to click (PTC) sites

What is PTC-site?

PTC-pay to click!!! The best way to make money online without any investments.You can earn over 500$ per month! And all this for FREE! Paid To Click is an online business that aiming to make money online from your home. Paid To Click or simply PTC acts as middlemen between advertisers and consumers, the advertiser pays for displaying ads on the PTC website, and this payment goes to the viewer when he views the advertisement.
You have about twenty ads and you can view them. All you need is 10 minutes of your time daily!

How PTC sites work?

These are services where you can get up to 20 ads every day and you need to click and hold on them from 3 to 60 seconds. They are paid depending on the duration. Shorter ads are paid $ 0.001 and longer ads up to $ 0.02.
These services offer other forms of earnings such as playing games and completing a variety tasks, so that if you have enough time you can earn a lot more than just clicking on ads.
When you first start with PTC sites you can earn about 2 cents a day. It does not seem too much, does it? The most people make here the biggest mistake by giving up!!!
But don’t give up!!! Only persistent succeed in this business.
Only what you need for make money online is your time,patience and referrals!!! The more you have referrals, the profit is bigger! How to get referrals, you can find in section “Referrals”

You can withdraw your earnings via PayPal or Payza. After signing up with genuine paying PTC sites view ads daily.

The best PTC sites are Clixsense and Neobux - Your Free Traffic Exchange - 1:1 Exchange Ratio, 5-Tier Referral Program. FREE Advertising!

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